Mother's Day Gift Guide

Hello May!

I don’t know about you all, but I am beyond ready for a fresh start. I am hoping that is exactly what May will bring. This month and Mother’s Day in particular is honesty always bittersweet for me though. Having lost my own Mom when I was a teenager, and then having lost Savannah and Ellis as well, it just makes Mother’s Day really rough.

I know I’m not alone in these feelings as well. I know for many of you, this holiday comes with a myriad of emotions. I’m sure some of you like myself have lost your own Mom, some of you have lost a baby, and some of you are still in the wait and longing for that title of ‘Mom’. I just want to say that I am here, and my heart is with each and every one of you. This holiday always triggers immense grief for me, even with my two precious rainbow babies here. Nothing will ever replace what has been taken, and that is ok. Just know that you are strong, and I am standing with you in whatever emotions come your way.

That being said, I wanted to share a few ideas for those special women in all of our lives. The friend, parent, spouse, sister, etc. Those who carry that gift of a title… Mom! I initially was going to just share some of my favorite Amazon gifts, but I decided that in this time we especially need to be loving on the small shops! I thought I would share a few that I personally love and have ordered from first, and then I will link a few other Amazon things at the bottom.

Laurelbox- This amazing company is so close to my heart. I received one of their curated gift boxes after the loss of our first daughter, Savannah. Since then, they have been my go-to for thoughtful gifts, especially to those women who have lost little ones or are going through seasons of grief. They have beautifully curated boxes, or you are able to create and customize your own box as well. I’ll show a few examples below.

GLDN- This is another company I found through our losses. I was on the hunt for the perfect keepsake necklace, and they had just the right one! I have their tiny bar necklace, each bar has one of our kiddos’ names on it. This is by far my favorite piece of jewelry and it has held up beautifully. They have so many options and customizable pieces.

Rachel Allene Shop- I connected with this sweet sweet Mama through Instagram just this last year. Her story has resonated with me so much. I have followed along as she experienced loss, as well as the anxious emotions that come with carrying a rainbow baby. All of her designs speak to my heart, and I always have a hard time deciding on what to order from her. Because secretly I want it all!! (Hint hint, Hubby)

Another idea that I absolutely love is to give the gift of captured memories! Buy a gift card to a local photographer or book a family session. There is nothing better than having pictures to look back on, and I’m sure that every other Mama feels that way too. (If you are local to Dayton and need a recommendation let me know!)

These next few items are all things that I personally have and LOVE! I tried to pick items in all price ranges, as I know times are hard right now. It’s definitely not about how much you spend! Mom will love it no matter what.


Just click the photos below and it will take you directly to the items!

I tried to cover all of the Moms in our lives, so I hope that this post was helpful! Feel free to send this to your significant other or pass it along to your friends as well. I hope that you all have a beautiful day, and just know that if you are a Mama who feels the weight of this month and upcoming holiday you are SO not alone. I am right there with you, and am praying that you feel comforted and loved more than ever!