Clara's Birth Story

My Mama heart honestly cannot even believe that I get to share this with you all! Those who have followed our journey know just how long we’ve awaited this very day. The day that our arms would be filled with a breathing, crying, perfect in every way little girl. And here we are!

After having two other normal births, I expected this time would be no different. But little miss had her own plans my entire pregnancy, and certainly showed us that at every turn.

She decided she was comfy being head up (breech), and despite me doing every crazy thing I could think of to try and get her to turn (even laying upside down with a bag of frozen veggies on my belly) she still wasn’t having it! So, at 37 weeks I went in for an external cephalic version (ECV) where my OB and another doctor attempted to manually turn Clara from the outside. OUCH! But, it worked! She was officially head down. Woot woot!

From there my OB and I decided that if Clara didn’t come on her own, I would be induced in just a few weeks. This was something I wrestled with so much, but I felt ready and completely at peace the morning we went in for the induction.

39 weeks 2 days, and a 4am report time to the hospital. Baby girl… here we come!!!

I remember pressing the elevator button for the delivery floor and just feeling a rush of what I can only say were literally a million different emotions. I let them sink in, kissed the hubby, and we set off to be checked in. We were so blessed to have a sweet friend as our delivery nurse. Amy, you are a Godsend and it was truly a gift having you alongside us the whole time!


I was thankful to have already made pretty good progress going into the induction, but they still needed to start the pitocin drip. I’ve heard so many things about pitocin, and most are always bad, but my experience has never been that way. I needed it with my other two deliveries as well, so this wasn’t new to me which felt good. Especially on a day where I craved as much familiarity as possible.

They started the pitocin around 4:30am and broke my water at about 8:00am. I was able to catch a little nap in between there which was glorious! Once my water broke the pain was a lot more intense. I labored on the birthing ball and held on to hubby for a bit. Something I was SO grateful for. Around 10:30am I finally asked for the epidural. I turned on worship music and breathed through what was by far my easiest epidural! Thank the Lord!!

About two hours later, I knew it was time. 6 minutes of pushing, 3 contractions, and just like that, God answered my hearts biggest prayer.


Clara Jayne entered the world!!!

Clara Jayne
April 24, 2019
8 pounds 3 ounces 20.75 inches


A moment in time that literally felt like a dream.

You know those times where you feel like you’re watching yourself experience something… that was this moment! She came out with head FULL of brown hair, and the sweetest little raspy cry.

The moment she was laid on chest I felt like a part of my heart had been healed. The days leading up to my induction and honestly my whole pregnancy I was extremely nervous. So, to see our RAINBOW baby girl here and safe, felt like a weight was lifted.

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After a short time in recovery, we were wheeled over to the Mom and baby unit. We got settled in and were anxiously awaiting big brother’s arrival!

Seeing Samuel and Clara together for the first time made me a complete mess in SUCH a good way! He was instantly smitten with her and has been so sweet ever since. He loves his baby sis!


Thankful, blessed, in disbelief; none of these words even begin to scratch the surface of how we feel. Holding our perfect little bundle in my arms as we left the hospital that just a year before, I had been in following our miscarriage with Ellis.

There truly are no words.

I cried the whole way to the car, and honestly there aren’t many days that the happy tears don’t flow over here!

Getting to bring our girl HOME is something we never got to experience with Savannah, but is what my heart has since been aching for. One life can never replace another life, but Clara’s certainly has filled us with joy again!

This… this moment is redemption!
